Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Informal Settlements

Poor, Middle Class and the rich- A Huge Contrast!

There is a huge contrast between the very poor, the middle class, and the very rich in South Africa. Often you will see these "informal settlements" (South African term for towns composed of small metal shacks constructed by the residents). These shacks are put up by the poor, often Zimbabweans and others seeking work in South Africa, and they expand across the landscape sometimes as far as the eye can see. Entire families can live in one small metal shack with the rook held on by stones or tires on top. Most have no electricity and no plumbing. Often communal toilets are set up on the perimeter and buckets used for waste in the homes. Housing for the poor is a huge problem. The government has built many housing developments of small, nice houses for these people but then they turn around and sell them to make money (especially when they have no jobs) and go back to living in the shacks. After seeing this, I have an entirely new meaning for the word "disadvantaged." As you drive by on the bus, which is how these pictures were taken, you can see the sense of community these people have- it is a community, regardless of their living conditions.

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